The word Ayurveda means “Science Of Longevity” and is the traditional holistic system of Indian medicine that aims to bring health and happiness. The concept of Ayurveda sees gems as a source for health, beauty and energy. Ayurveda Gem therapy claims that every gem has properties to help balance specific dishes andheal certain physical or emotional conditions. A dosha is one of three bodily bio elements making up one’s constitution: Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire) Or Kapha (Water). Dr Vasu, the founder of “Om Nityanand World Health Care and Spiritual Healing Trust” helped to select the gems used in this blend. It helps to equalize chakra imbalances and to bring the body and mind into the state of homeostasis and overall harmony. Can be a wonderful all whole body blend for the whole family.
GemiVial – $194.00
Via Bottle – $182.00
Inu! Crystal Jar – 7 Chakras – 34.00 (picture coming soon)
Please note that GemVials require a water dispenser: either the Decanter Era or Dispenser Grande. There is no GemPod available.