With the air at my back, and feeling the steps I am taking: I am drawn into The Now much more fully. I am engaging more with my environment and its natural and amazing. I can stop the RE-telling of old stories and start living in the new spring. When I feel there are a lot of thoughts happening and story lines keeping me rigid, I tend to do my dry brushing to stimulate clear headed thinking and boost my healthy cellular activity. This helps me stay EVEN MORE present.
Private Dry Skin Brushing Sessions:
This is a great step for those wanting to “go beyond the basics” and learn all the bells and whistles of doing Dry Skin Brushing around lymphedema, any kind of scaring (cesarean, masectomy, lympectomy or any other kind of surgery) as well as any kind of cuts you’ve had into the lymphatic vessels due to injuries. These cuts or scars are now walls where the fluid has to work around them. Not to mention, if the lymphatic vessels or nodes have been removed, then the Immune System is compromised dramatically. Stimulating it with Dry Skin Brushing will become crucial for good health.
This private one and a half hour initial session can be done in person or over Zoom. There will be handouts and a step by step process covered during your private session with Nicole Wirth. This is for one individual so that there is time spent on specific drainage for that one person.
Then there is TWO half hour follow ups spaced out after the initial private session to ensure you learn all the details and get all the customization needed as you move through the steps. As you start to do the dry skin brushing as a personal practice, you will want these fine tuning, sculpting techniques and tips as you go on the journey to heal this wonderful system.
I do about ten of these a year and they are highly recommended!
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